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One system
With pride we introduce a whole new concept in the market for controlling monorail systems. The control system is developed for all monorail systems which have to operated in a quality environment and where high standards are required for the software. Our concept; one system; one control with one scalable software package.
In the modern process control systems a combination of products is often used to realize the sequential control, data-logging, visualization and reporting. We have chosen for a complete new control concept. One system, one control which ensures the sequential control, data-logging and the visualization.
To meet the high expectations of the industry, we also choose for the
introduction of a new software concept called osLaundry. A modular and a scalable concept. Because the software is made modular and scalable, we were able to develop one software package for the entire range of monorail systems.
One control
In the modern process controlsystems a combination of products is often used to realize the sequential control, data-logging, visualization and reporting. We have chosen a complete new control concept. One system, one control which ensures the sequential control, data-logging and the visualization.
The new concept makes no longer use of standlalone PC’s but of advanced touchscreens which are suitable for use in an industrial enviroment. These advanced touchsceens fit perfectly in our new concept one system, one control.
One scalable software package
To meet the high expectations of the industry, we also choose for the introduction of a new software concept. A scalable concept. Because the software is made scalable, we were able to develop one software
package for the entire range of monorail systems.
If your tunnel washer is also set-up with our control system it is even possible to show the monorail on the touchscreen of the tunnel washer. Our concept one scalable software package for all your monorail systems.
Developed for your reliability
and continuity
The new concept for controlling tunnel washers is developed from the demand for reliability and continuity. The fact is that the reliability and continuity of your tunnel washer must be guaranteed to ensure that there is a minimum down time in your production. The new concept has been developed for high performance operation in a secure environment and where high standards are required for the software.
One configurable
Every part of the controlsystem is configured from our advanced touch-screen. So no longer a standalone PC is needed. This will make reliability and
continuity guaranteed. Using the touchscreen custom-made programs can be compiled and configured. It is also possible to configure each process parameter independently for each stage in the program. The control system oversees the entire proceedings in each individual chamber of the tunnel washer.
If your monorail system is also set-up with our control system it is even possible to show the monorail on the touchscreen of the tunnel washer. Our concept; one overall configurable software package for all your machines.
Configurability gives
freedom and speed
The control system is the most advanced control system for laundry
technology. Specially designed for tunnel washers with bottom or centre transfer. The well thought out configurable design makes it also possible to modify/change the control system of your tunnel washer in one weekend. On Friday you stop your production and on Monday morning you continue your production.