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osAir is more than just storage space
osAir offers far more than just storage space. You can use osAir for effortless access to about all production data that a laundry needs on a daily basis. All production data is automatically saved in the secure osAir environment, so it is always available on your iPhone, iPad, laptop or any other screen. You have access to the production data of all your systems on whatever device. Furthermore, osAir makes sure that all data is updated at all times. You do not have to synchronize or manage anything. osAir automatically takes care of it. It is quick and reliable.
osAir is one of the first independent platforms developed with the newest NAS technology. By using the NAS technology, your network receives maximum security and enables you to implement multiple systems in a network while preserving your speed. osAir communicates with all your systems.
osAir-Basic makes sure that all data is available to you. Connect osAir to your current network and you can use Numbers or Excel to create your own reports and charts.
osAir ensures your company security and continuity and makes sure you can quickly realize any adjustments or expansions in your installations.
With the introduction of osAir, all data is available to you at one central place. You can use osAir-Reports to view, analyse and print your daily production data from all over the world. Simple and fast. osAir-Reports has been developed with the newest HTML browser technology, so you and your laundry become platform and technology independent. Regardless of being at home or at the office, you decide what you want to see where.
osAir-Reports leaves it up to you what you view at what location.
With osAir-Alarms you can monitor all your daily alarms, analyse them and print them. Anywhere in the world. Easy and fast. osAir-Alarms is the best tool to help you keep your laundry in production. osAir-Alarms can help you set a standard in preventive and corrective maintenance so your laundry has the highest throughput and uptime.
osAir-Alarms helps you to optimize your laundry production.
Simple and easy
With the introduction of osDashboard, all data comes together for you at one central location. You can use HTML applications to track the current status of your machines and systems from all over the world. Simple and easy. No matter if you are at home or at the office you decide what you want to see. You can use an iPad or laptop to track the status, it is up to you to decide.
You can use the osDashboard tool we developed to track and analyse all your machine and system data. Simple and easy.
Takes care of company security and continuity
osDashboard is developed in accordance with the newest HTML standard and uses the latest browser technology. By using the browser technology, your laundry becomes platform independent, your network receives maximum security and you can implement multiple systems in a network and preserve your speed.
osDashboard takes care of your company security and continuity and makes sure that adjustments or expansions can be realized quickly.
Machine independent
Adding a machine or system to osDashboard is easy and simple. By using and testing the possibilities of the machine or system, you can make all its data available for osDashboard. When your laundry expands, osDashboard expands along.
osDashboard is machine and system independent.
Answers all your questions
osDashboard answers all your questions:
√ How many tons of laundry has been sorted?
√ How many tons of what article is still in the buffer tracks?
√ How many tons of laundry per day has every tunnel washer realized?
√ How many pieces per hour do the mangles process per day?
√ How many chemicals and water has the tunnel washer used per day?
osDashboard enables you to answer almost all your questions.
Where is what in your laundry
osVisual is developed to get a clear overview of where is what in your laundry and shows you all the various (washing) flows. osVisual gives you the possibility to overview your complete laundry on one screen or if you want only a small part of your laundry.
With this configurable and scalable system, you have the advantage of absolute openness to both the office environment and your production. An integrated data management system ensures complete transparency in all your production data , equipment and flows.
osVisual is built to grow with you. When you extend or expand your laundry osVisual grows with you.
osVisual can show all your CBW’s, dryers, conveyors, monorail systems, etc. on one screen. Per batch you can see which article of which customer is being processed where in your laundry.
You can place a screen where ever you want. In the office or on the productionfloor. You even can choose which size you want. Do you want a 21” or 40” screen? You decide. Easy and simple.
Only one display
In current systems, one often makes use of one or two displays per two sorting positions for displaying the customer and article number.
osVisual gives you the possibility to replace those displays by one 21” screen which can display six sorting positions at ones or even more. And if you want a bigger screen you only have to decide which size you want.
Your benefits
Your benefits:
√ A complete overview of your laundry on one screen
√ Overview of all your monorail systems, CBW’s, dryers, WE’s, belts, ....
√ You decide how big your screen will be
√ You determine on which screen you want to see what